GetTCelsiusFromTKelvin Function

public function GetTCelsiusFromTKelvin(TKelvin) result(TCelsius)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: TKelvin

Return Value real


Source Code

  function GetTCelsiusFromTKelvin(TKelvin) result(TCelsius)
    !+ Utility function to convert temperature to degree Celsius (°C)
    !+ given temperature in Kelvin (K).
    !+ Reference: ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (2017) ch. 1 section 3

    real, intent(in)  :: TKelvin
      !+ Tempearatyre in Kelvin
    real              :: TCelsius
      !+ Temperature in degree Celsius

    TCelsius = TKelvin - ZERO_CELSIUS_AS_KELVIN
  end function GetTCelsiusFromTKelvin