SV_t Derived Type

type, public :: SV_t


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
character(len=6), public, DIMENSION(:), POINTER:: CSV
integer, public :: NSV_CHSBEG
integer, public :: NSV_CHSEND
integer, public :: NBEQ
integer, public :: NSV_DSTBEG
integer, public :: NSV_DSTEND
integer, public :: NDSTEQ
integer, public :: NSV_SLTBEG
integer, public :: NSV_SLTEND
integer, public :: NSLTEQ
integer, public :: NSV_AERBEG
integer, public :: NSV_AEREND
integer, public :: NAEREQ

Source Code

! variables updated for the current model
  CHARACTER(LEN=6), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: CSV ! name of the scalar variables
  INTEGER    :: NSV_CHSBEG, NSV_CHSEND    !  index of first and last gas chemistry related scalar variable
  INTEGER    :: NBEQ                      ! number of chemical gas species in the surface scheme
  INTEGER    :: NSV_DSTBEG, NSV_DSTEND    ! index of first and last dust related scalar variable
  INTEGER    :: NDSTEQ                    ! number of dust related species in scalar variables list
  INTEGER    :: NSV_SLTBEG, NSV_SLTEND    ! index of first and last sea salt related scalar variable
  INTEGER    :: NSLTEQ                    ! number of sea salt related species in scalar variables list
  INTEGER    :: NSV_AERBEG, NSV_AEREND    ! index of first and last aerosol related scalar variabl
  INTEGER    :: NAEREQ                    ! number of aerosols variables
