TEB_OPTIONS_t Derived Type

type, public :: TEB_OPTIONS_t


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
logical, public :: LCANOPY
logical, public :: LGARDEN
character(len=4), public :: CROAD_DIR
character(len=4), public :: CWALL_OPT
character(len=3), public :: CBLD_ATYPE
character(len=6), public :: CZ0H
character(len=5), public :: CCH_BEM
character(len=3), public :: CBEM
character(len=3), public :: CTREE
logical, public :: LGREENROOF
logical, public :: LHYDRO
logical, public :: LSOLAR_PANEL
logical, public :: LECOCLIMAP
real, public, POINTER, DIMENSION(:):: XZS
real, public, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:):: XCOVER
logical, public, POINTER, DIMENSION(:):: LCOVER
integer, public :: NTEB_PATCH
real, public, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:):: XTEB_PATCH
integer, public :: NROOF_LAYER
integer, public :: NROAD_LAYER
integer, public :: NWALL_LAYER
type(DATE_TIME), public :: TTIME
real, public :: XTSTEP
real, public :: XOUT_TSTEP

Source Code

! TEB scheme option
  LOGICAL                        :: LCANOPY      ! T: SBL scheme within the canopy
                                                 ! F: no atmospheric layers below forcing level      
  LOGICAL                        :: LGARDEN      ! T: Urban green areas (call ISBA from TEB)
                                                 ! F: No urban green areas
  CHARACTER(LEN=4)               :: CROAD_DIR    ! TEB option for road directions
                                                 ! 'UNIF' : no specific direction
                                                 ! 'ORIE' : many road ORIEntations
                                                 ! ( one per TEB patch)
  CHARACTER(LEN=4)               :: CWALL_OPT    ! TEB option for walls
                                                 ! 'UNIF' : uniform walls
                                                 ! 'TWO ' : two separated walls
  CHARACTER(LEN=3)               :: CBLD_ATYPE   ! Type of averaging for walls
                                                 ! 'ARI'  : Characteristics are
                                                 !          linearly averaged
                                                 ! 'MAJ ' : Majoritary building in
                                                 !          grid mesh is chosen
  CHARACTER(LEN=6)               :: CZ0H         ! TEB option for z0h roof & road
                                                 ! 'MASC95' : Mascart et al 1995
                                                 ! 'BRUT82' : Brustaert     1982
                                                 ! 'KAND07' : Kanda         2007
  CHARACTER(LEN=5)               :: CCH_BEM      ! BEM option for roof/wall outside convective coefficient
                                                 ! 'DOE-2' : DOE-2 model from
                                                 ! EnergyPlus Engineering reference, p65
  CHARACTER(LEN=3)               :: CBEM         ! TEB option for the building energy model
                                                 ! 'DEF':  DEFault version force-restore model from Masson et al. 2002
                                                 ! 'BEM':  Building Energy Model Bueno et al. 2011

  CHARACTER(LEN=3)               :: CTREE        ! TEB option for the high vegetation
                                                 ! 'DEF':  DEFault version without radiative, dynamic effects or turbulent fluxes
                                                 ! 'RAD':  only RADiative effects 
                                                 ! 'DYN':  radiative and DYNamic effects 
                                                 ! 'FLX':  radiative, dynamic effects, and turbulent fluxes 
  LOGICAL                        :: LGREENROOF   ! T: green roofs (call ISBA from TEB)
  LOGICAL                        :: LHYDRO       ! T: urban subsoil and hydrology processes
  LOGICAL                        :: LSOLAR_PANEL ! T: solar panels on roofs
! type of initialization of vegetation: from cover types (ecoclimap) or parameters prescribed
  LOGICAL                        :: LECOCLIMAP   ! T: parameters computed from ecoclimap
!                                                ! F: they are read in the file
! General surface: 
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:)   :: XZS           ! orography                        (m)
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: XCOVER        ! fraction of each ecosystem       (-)
  LOGICAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:):: LCOVER        ! GCOVER(i)=T --> ith cover field is not 0.
  INTEGER                       :: NTEB_PATCH    ! number of TEB patches
  REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: XTEB_PATCH    ! fraction of each TEB patch
! Number of layers
  INTEGER                       :: NROOF_LAYER   ! number of layers in roofs
  INTEGER                       :: NROAD_LAYER   ! number of layers in roads
  INTEGER                       :: NWALL_LAYER   ! number of layers in walls
! Date:
  TYPE (DATE_TIME)              :: TTIME         ! current date and time
! Time-step:
  REAL                          :: XTSTEP        ! time step for TEB
  REAL                          :: XOUT_TSTEP    ! TEB output writing time step